How to Write More?

Why do you want to write more ? What is the purpose of writing more? Based on that your process will vary significantly. Is the purpose to get better at writing, get ahead at SEO, improve sentence formation, grammar, or topical knowledge. Based on your answer you will realize why writing more matters. Based on your answer you will realize how to write more đŸ™‚

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Quality is definitely important, but you won’t get quality without quantity. This is my reason to write for 3 months straight! I wanted to see what happens when I write more for 90 days. SEO wise, and quality wise – is there any change? My answer is that it improved my ranking.
Quality you can get only after quantity. So this is a very very VERY good reason to write more. YOUR answer to write more may be different. But I think we are looking at same things, all of us. To improve, convert, and get better at written word.

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Think a little more and you will realize, the most basic thing to improve your efforts in writing more is – SPEED. What is your typing speed? Once you know your typing speed, now try to improve it by 5 points each. Improve by typing more in less time. Just get set and GO. Or else you can do a proper typing practice – typing lessons. Check out your speed and work on it.

Fast typing speed means more words written per minute. One of the best ways to get more done is by speeding up the process of the manual writing. But first you need to know what you want to write. How will you determine that?

person using laptop

Read. Research. Conversations.

Talk to people smarter than you. Speak your mind. Initiate conversations. LinkedIn is a good place to start conversation, and messaging. Try LinkedIn premium for some time which will give you access to some good tools that you can use to get in touch with senior people and get acquainted with. It’s all about gaining knowledge. Like I said before, sometimes the question is not just about speed, it is about consistency. If you write everyday, your body of work increases, and you gain knowledge, perspective, and domain experience.


person using MacBook Pro

Answer the question why you want to write more, and based on that create a process that will help you get results and smoothen your experience of writing more. A few more helpful suggestions that continues to work for me which can help you as well are;

  • Get better at typing speed.
  • Research. Talk to Experts.
  • Read. Read, and Read some more.
  • Quantity Leads to Quality.

Generally good questions have answers in them. Here how to write more has the answer in the question. Write more. đŸ™‚

You write more by writing more, and it is as simple as that. Write one word after the other. Just like I did in this blog. Reading is essential, and so is research and talking to people as they help you get ideas to write. But the only sure shot way of writing more and generating ideas is write more.

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3 thoughts on “How to Write More?

  1. Pingback: How to Write | Fairy Dharawat Blog

  2. Pingback: How to Write Engaging Content | Fairy Dharawat Blog

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