Anxiety In times of War and Way to Find Yourself

SEO sure knows what you need. 

2023 SEO is getting sophisticated at an accelerated rate.

I used search terms on anxiety for global warglobal crises, and humanitarian crises in other parts of the world and our country. 

What can we do when the war happens in our home or any part of our world? 

Most websites tell you to talk about the anxious part of it or why its taking it’s toll on you to well-wisher friends, take care of yourself (eat, drink, move), take rest, ask for help, do something positive, limit war news. 

This is also a massive privilege.

All these are individual contributions with no effect on the actual war happening. What can you as an individual reading this do that can make a difference? The general consensus is Zilch. 

Most often what we feel is the helplessness of something cruel happening which shouldn’t happen because a few folks are war-hungry mongers. The internet will tell you to take care of yourself. which is the best you can do. But you know what? The best is not enough. You can do nothing. Absolutely nothing. There is no lie here. People in power will keep ruining people with no power. That’s the only truth there is. It’s better to accept this than ignore it – but you can ignore it because ignorance is bliss but, I will judge you harshly on this. 

It’s crushing to see people you admire taking the side of the oppressor. Leaving them is the least you can do. I do know following your principles can also be a privilege, and I am going to indulge in them. If I find anyone siding with the oppressor, I will block them. Because nothing matters what we do, people in power will keep killing the minors, and eventually us. 

There is no way to find yourself.

I am feeling powerless, I sincerely hope by reading this you feel helplessness and a little bit of rage too. I hate media siding with the oppressors, I hate media making this a mockery, I hate fascism, I hate this. 

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