Dating in the time of Quarantine 2021

Fairy Dharawat Blog Dating in the time of Quarantine

Hello, this is an updated post with a few edits. You know the quarantine is still going on even if it feels it’s not. The consequence of the global tragedy has reflected on the dating world like a catastrophe, but then again I do not remember if it was ever an easy endeavor. Dating has always been tricky. More so after pandemic ravaged us in unimaginable ways. Here’s a short no guide essay on the turmoil’s of dating in general.

Stuck in a quarantine, feeling hopeless? Worrying eating you out from within? Thoughts like you might stay SINGLE FOREVER haunt you? Like Alex Norris often says in the their comics;

Fairy Dharawat Blog Dating in the time of Quarantine

Fear not! You are not alone in this pretty little pickle. Wanting to be with someone is natural, and only human. We are social animals and we should accept our needs, and wanting, to have someone close.

The agony is REAL and the Global Pandemic is bringing the loneliness aspect of living our life without support a biggest hurdle we faced in our social lives. We are stuck alone or with roommates we don’t particularly get along with or find ourselves in an unfortunate living condition. So what to do? Not many thrilling stories are coming out too. So what to do is the conundrum. The struggle is real.

Dating was already hard. Even though several variants of dating were thrown into our faces like Speed Dating, Mixers, and what not, finding your match has made it ultra tricky, not to forget risky. For the sake of keeping it fun and frolicky I am not going to write about the VERY REAL DANGERS OF GETTING KILLED while dating, but that is a reality. The reality is that you might just get killed. Psychotic people tend to be charming at first. That’s how they lure you to kill you. So we won’t talk about THE VERY REAL DANGER OF GETTING KILLED by a serial killer, but it’s good to put it out there.

The only good looking killer is Dexter. They totally messed up after season 4, but that ginger lad is smoking hot and a tremendous star. I am so glad they are releasing a new season though, and I am totally looking forward to it! Catch the trailer here.

Dating in the time of Quarantine Fairy Dharawat Blog
Still from Dexter

We are talking about online dating. That’s a fresh set of hell, where major part of your life goes in deciding which photo to add there. Apps like happn, bumble, and tinder and hinge – names are different, but they are all the same. Slight change in interface, same feeling of disillusionment.

Covid-19 has made singles really sad, and lonely. But now, the focus from meeting has shifted on conversations. Yes you heard it right.

Yikes. Let that sink in.


A few kind folks I tend to talk to know that I am tired. And conversations drain me. Not to pinpoint to the fact that people who like to have conversations written on the apps are the first one to clam up with zero conversational skills, my pretty shoulders are tired from carrying dead conversations for 2 years.

Assuming communication skills are going to be improved in these few months is assuming that things will return to the way they were before.

I don’t think it is going to happen.

I tried talking to people, but then they would do this. What should I make of this thing?

Fairy Dharawat Blog Dating in the time of Quarantine

I don’t think I can do this.

I wasn’t given a memo. Or else I wouldn’t have spent copious amount of time trying to know them before meeting them only to realize they don’t want to meet again, I should say that it is painful. But if I think hard, it is not really painful because they were board gaming geeks, happy in their own little world, won’t let new people enter their lives and a bit self absorbed. So the chemistry ended before it even took off. Also, I am sensitive to be not called beautiful and stunning every 5 minutes. If I am not called beautiful and pretty, then my interest in you wanes. Obviously.


The conundrum. Is the focus on conversations going to make dating fun?

Hell. NO.

It is going to make it unbearable.

I am done carrying dead weight of lost conversations. I am going to stay mum. Will that mean I willingly close the door for my soul mate to find me due to the very real dangers of covid-19?

Let me guess what are the options we have to choose.

Stay single. Get into boring conversation. Or. Die.

The answer is simple and obvious. Die.

You might say the title is misleading? That I cheated you into reading this article with no life skills or hack to attract the perfect lover of your dreams? Yes it is misleading because there is nothing like perfection that exists. You either accept people with tolerable flaws or reduce your standards. Drastically.

Alright fine, if you are courageous and going out to find love, then here are two practical tips for you. Now go and make me proud and don’t forget to share your experience with me!

  • No nonsense dating tip #1
    If you want to dive into the weirdly wonderful and thrillingly scary world of dating then be careful and stay vigilant and care for you by noticing how you feel after every interaction with them, sit with yourself and introspect. Also don’t forget to enjoy the madness.
  • No nonsense dating tip #2
    Practice caution investing time with incessant question asking mongrels and carry out your screening process thoroughly by noticing if conversations tend to be general compliments or specific interests which shows genuine interest.

Don’t lose heart now, you can always try to become a better person. Helpful individual. And tap dance or go for burlesque as you feel like it. Listen to party music and dance along.

Love is for few, which is why we have a lot of cats.

Fairy Dharawat Blog Dating in the time of Quarantine

Now go and adopt a cat. or a dog. Or a senior cat and dog. They are waiting for you so they can judge you their entire life. They are totally adorable cretins you need in your life.

If you enjoyed this post then you might like the Clickbait title to get perfect match and Fun things to do in quarantine for singles, couples and long distance folks. Do subscribe with your email Id if you like me writing more often.

5 thoughts on “Dating in the time of Quarantine 2021

  1. Finally a post!! A renewed post but some update is better than no update, right? A fun read. I’ve had my share of dead convos too. And it is exhausting! Good to know I’m not the only one tired of trying to keep a conversation going by being the initiator, the preserver, and the concluder of it all the time. 🙂


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